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浏览人次:96次 发布时间:2021-06-28
大一都是通修的课程,所有专业学习的都一样。 FALL Drawing I Design I Spatial Dynamics I Liberal Arts courses WINTERSESSION Non-major studio elective SPRING Drawing II Design II Spatial Dynamics II Liberal Arts courses 大二就进入到专业课的学习。 FALL Introduction to Interior Studies Drawing for Interior Architecture Building Materials Exploration History of Interior Architecture I WINTERSESSION Open elective SPRING Introduction to Interior Studies II Intro to Computing for Interior Architecture History of Interior Architecture II Liberal Arts elective 大三 FALL Intro to Interior Studies III Human Factors Building Structures and Systems for Adaptive Reuse Liberal Arts elective WINTERSESSION Open elective SPRING Spatial Perception: Light and Color Advanced Design Studio Open elective Liberal Arts elective 大四 FALL Advanced Design Studio Scheme Detailing Liberal Arts elective WINTERSESSION Open elective SPRING Advanced Design Studio Interior Architecture Studio Elective Open elective Liberal Arts elective 学费一年$44,284,如果加上食宿保险及其他花销一年63434左右。