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2023-06-25 16:04:39  人气:52



Describe a popular product(e.g.food,handicraft…)made in your region

You should say:

What it is

What it is like

How it is made

And explain why it is popular



Well,a popular product made in my region is REGANMIAN,which is a kind of noodle made in Hubei Province,especially in Wuhan which is my hometown.


Unless any noodles in the northern part of China,REGANMIAN is mainly severed for breakfast purpose.The texture of the noodle is also quite different than those in the north.It is not chewy but still has its toughness.I usually eat it in a breakfast restaurant on my way to school.


It’s not that hard for anyone to make this kind of noodle.You just put them into the boiling water for around 20 seconds and get them out with a strainer.Then you can add some pepper oil to add extra flavor,and some sesame paste which is important for the taste.


Well,I guess the reason why it’s so popular is that REGANMIAN is so tasty.You know,the flavor suits the needs of the people in Hubei Province and even in other regions.Another reason why I think it’s well-received is that the price of the noodle is affordable for the average customers.Usually,a bowl of REGANMIAN only costs less than 7 RMB which is cheaper than most noodles in the north.



Describe a food made from the region you come from

You should say:

What it is

Where you can get the food

Who will buy the food

And explain why people like the food



A product made from my hometown that I’m going to talk about is milk tea in Inner Mongolia.The hot beverage is called suutei tsai in Mongolian,which literally means(字面意思)tea with milk.Milk is a very important part of our diet.The milk that Mongolians drink comes from many sources including cattle,camels and horses,though milk from cattle is now the norm.An old tradition among many Mongols was to not drink water straight,which could have been a result of our belief that water was sacred.Milk tea is often drunk at meals and throughout the day(一整天).It is usually served to guests when they arrive at our home.Upon arriving,guests are usually served milk tea with a hospitality bowl filled with snacks.Milk tea can be drunk straight,with Mongolian fried biscuits or with dumplings.In addition,milk tea is available in instant packet form.The ingredients to milk tea are typically water,milk,tea leaves and salt.A simple recipe might call for one quart of water,one quart of milk,a tablespoon of green tea,and one teaspoon of salt.But the ingredients often vary.Some recipes use green tea while others use black tea.Some recipes even include butter or fat.The traditional way of cooking it includes stirring it by scooping it up while it is boiling and pouring it back in from a height.While some Westerners have a hard time adjusting to(适应)its distinctive flavor,which is particularly because of the salt in the drink,most of us enjoy milk tea.This is because people can have it at any time of the day,and it serves the function(具有……功能)of warming the stomach,quenching the thirst(解渴),filling hunger and helping digestion.It could be used both as soup for meals and for entertaining guests(待客).

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