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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Evening Time 晚

2023-06-15 16:04:13  人气:33

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Evening Time 晚间时光

Do you like morning or evening? 你更喜欢早上还是晚上?

I prefer the evening. In most cases, I have classes to attend in the morning, which means I have to get up early and be glued to my seat for at least 3 hours, which is not interesting at all. By contrast, the time in the evening is entirely at my disposal. I can do whatever I want. This freedom itself is unparalleled.


What do you usually do in the evening? 你晚上一般做什么?

Most of the evenings in my life are devoted to winding down. Sometimes, I play video games with my friends in another city to strengthen our bond and prevent us from drifting apart. Sometimes,I play basketball on the playground at my university to stretch my rigid muscles and burn some calories.


What did you do in the evening when you were little? Why? 你小的时候晚上一般做什么?为什么?

Playing hide and seek with my friends or simply chasing each other at the foot of our apartments. Before I got enrolled in primary school, I was strictly prohibited from playing video games, and my parents also set a time limit on watching TV. So the only choice I had to kill spare time was to hang out with my friends.


Are there any differences between what you do in the evening now and what you did in the past? 你现在在晚上做的事情和之前有什么区别吗?

No, there is not. Although I have been juggling my assignments from various courses and the preparation for IELTS in the past three months, I still manage to keep my evenings empty because I believe only with enough relaxation can I guarantee study efficiency.


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