2022-02-17 12:02:06 人气:579
Master of Engineering Biomedical Engineering
BMG 5001 Stage en génie clinique / Clinical Engineering Internship
BMG 5103 Biomedical Instrumentation
BMG 5104 Biological Signals
BMG 5105 Medical Image Processing
BMG 5106 Introduction to Medical Imaging Principles and Technology
BMG 5107 Wavelet Applications in Biomedical Image Processing
BMG 5108 Advanced Topics in Biomedical Image Processing
BMG 5109 Advanced Topics in Medical Instrumentation
BMG 5110 Advanced Topics in Biomechanics and Biomaterials
BMG 5111 Advanced Topics II Medical Informatics and Telemedicine
BMG 5112 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
BMG 5113 Clinical Engineering
BMG 5130 Fundamentals of Policy I: Policy Analysis
BMG 5300 Biological and Engineering Materials
BMG 5301 Biomechanics of Skeletal System, Motion and Tissue
BMG 5302 Biofluid Mechanics
BMG 5303 Ergonomics and Design
BMG 5304 Interactive Networked Systems and Telemedicine
BMG 5305 Pattern Classification and Experiment Design
BMG 5306 Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: Biomechanics
BMG 5311 Design of Medical Devices and Implants
BMG 5312 Design of Orthopaedic Implants and Prostheses
BMG 5314 Biocontrols
BMG 5315 Biorobotics
BMG 5316 Biotransport Processes
BMG 5317 Medical Computing
BMG 5318 Advanced Health Care Engineering
BMG 5319 Introduction to Microfluidics
BMG 5323 Rehabilitation Engineering
BMG 5330 Electromagnetic Fields and Biological Systems
BMG 5501 étude technique et modélisation de l'anatomie et de la physiologie du corps humain
BMG 5502 éthiques, normes et méthodes de recherche
BMG 6000 Projet en génie biomédical / Biomedical Engineering Project
BMG 6001 Projet en génie clinique / Clinical Engineering Project
BMG 6996 Séminaire en génie biomédical / Biomedical Engineering Seminar
BMG 7199 Directed Studies in Biomedical Engineering
BMG 9901 Séminaire de doctorat en génie biomédical / Biomedical Engineering PhD Seminar
BMG 9997 Rapport et soutenance du projet de thèse / Report and Defence of Thesis Proposal
BMG 9998 Examen de synthèse / PhD Comprehensive Exam
具有工程、科学、计算机科学或相关学科的专业或专业(或同等学历)学士学位,平均录取成绩不低于75% (B+)。
110.00美元($ CDN退还的)
托福580 /雅思总分6.5 -个人6.0(笔试)