2021-12-21 12:03:44 人气:491
【Part2新话题】雅思口语8分素材:咖啡馆 本文为大家整理雅思口语可以用到的话题素材,供大家参考学习!更多雅思备考干货,请关注环球教育!
#Part2 话题 Describe a caf you like to visit You should say: Where it is What kinds of food and drinks it serves What you do there And explain why you like to go there #话题分析 该题目难度系数不大,描述对象要求很明确必须是咖啡馆。现在人们的日常生活丰富起来,各式各类的咖啡馆也越来越多了,所以我们可以选择谈的咖啡馆还是很多。像瑞幸,星巴克是人们熟知的全国连锁品牌,除此之外还有一些极具特色的书店咖啡馆,电影咖啡馆,撸猫咖啡馆等等。还可以说说学校里面的咖啡馆,这些都算是该口语话题卡的范围之内。 Where it is 第一小问作为地点类的常规问题,需要给出咖啡馆所处位置的信息,包括绝对位置,(位于哪座城市的什么道路),相对位置(利用参照物,距离学校有多远),还可以描述一般是通过什么交通方式到达的。 What kinds of food and drinks it serves 第二小问是关于这个咖啡馆的服务和菜品。除了可以介绍菜单和服务以外,如果这是一家具有特色与众不同的咖啡馆,也可以抓住特色咖啡或服务来着重阐述。 What you do there 第三小问你在咖啡馆里做什么,这里我们可以做一个人物类的拓展回答,可以描述和朋友一起去或者喜欢单独去,然后做一个原因描述,因为我觉得和朋友一起喝咖啡很开心,可以边和他们畅聊边打发时光;也可以是一个人去,带着电脑和书籍,在那里点上一杯咖啡安静地与自我独处等等。 And explain why you like to go there 最后一小问是你为什么喜欢去这个咖啡馆,因为这地点类的话题是一个公共场所,所以我们可以从它的装修风格/店内设施/人物等来进行描述。装修风格/店内设施可能相对而言较简单,若是从人的角度就可以从店长,顾客,服务员这几类来描述。比如很多咖啡店是明星开的,从店长的角度来说就是因为我喜欢他所以喜欢来这家咖啡店,期待和他见面的机会。 I have been to a new cafe named Jean Rough, I like to visit it very often.It is a new caf , and so I was not really too sure about what to expect there. But, when I arrived there, I was in for a pleasant surprise as I found that the friendly management and staff there were eagerly waiting to greet us and other customers. By the way, it was indeed a nice caf , as my friends had told me before, with a nice decoration inside. The tables were nicely shaped with beautiful, cream colour table clothes on them. Each and every table maintained a safe distance from each other to offer all of its customers a sense of privacy. The flower vases on the tables added to the elegance of the caf even more. Not to mention, the lighting system of the caf was also very colourful that certainly helped create a rather mystical environment there. Besides, all around the caf , everything looked very shiny and spotlessly clean. There wasn t a single thing that I could find to complain about the caf . Talking about the foods and drinks there, they were equally delicious and appetizing, especially, the strawberry-filled cheesecake and the garlic-roasted bread were simply outstanding. Besides, the cranberry fruit drinks tasted like they just came fresh from the garden! Anyway, I liked this caf , mainly because it had a huge space inside it to accommodate just about everybody rather comfortably. Besides, the decoration inside the caf was very gorgeous and contemporary to lighten up your mood. Finally, I liked the caf also because they served some of the most delicious foods and snacks I had ever tasted. 更多雅思备考干货,请关注环球教育!在线咨询即可预约雅思试听